Aragon Research Reprint License - 1 Year
Aragon Research Reprint License - 1 Year
Aragon Research’s Research Note Reprint Service (the “Service”) provides the ability to post a published Research Note from Aragon Research Inc., to your website in order to share with your respective viewers or clients. This is a great way to show thought leadership from a trusted independent research firm.
Aragon Research Note Reprints are posted in either PDF or formatted HTML (maintaining the look and feel of the Aragon Research Note format). In either case, no changes or modifications to the research or any of the graphics contained in the research may be done.
Must be a current Aragon Client with with either a Provisor or Foresight Subscription service.
Research Notes (PDF format) may be shared via email as well.
Research Notes that are posted to your company website are valid to be used for one year.
o Visitors must register to gain access to the reprint. However, you’re allowed to use the graphic for the Logo without registration.
o Posting the Research Note on any other website (other than your designated site) is prohibited.
Extensions to this timeframe may be granted by purchasing an additional Reprint Service and also obtaining written permission from Aragon Research, Inc.